To stimulate the most diverse discussions on relevant themes of business and public administration, accounting, and similar areas, ANPAD has delimited Academic Divisions that integrate various themes of scientific interest. These Divisions correspond to distinct areas covered by public or private administration and include the third sector.
The Divisions accompany the dynamism inherent in scientific discussions to stimulate academic and scientific networks. They are a privileged forum for informal debates among professors, researchers, and graduate students. The graduate programs associated with ANPAD are linked to all Divisions, whereas the individuals who are members of ANPAD can choose to be part of any Academic Division according to their interests.
We currently have 11 Academic Divisions, namely: ATI – Management Information Systems, APB – Public Administration, CON – Accounting, EOR – Organizational Studies, EDP – Management & Accounting Education and Research, ESO – Strategy, FIN – Finance, ITE – Innovation, Technology, and Entrepreneurship, GOL – Operations Management and Logistics, GPR – Human Resources and Labor Relations, MKT – Marketing.
Members: 2072