The Brazilian Academy of Management (ANPAD) annually provides citation indexes and other metrics on the journals registered in its SPELL database. It also publishes two open-access scientific journals, BAR and RAC that connect theory and practice in the field of business and public administration, and the third sector, seeking to advance the understanding of ethical and other significant issues in the economic, social, political, diversity, responsibility, governance, and sustainability dimensions. Thus, the database and journals offer free access to practitioners, professors, researchers, students, and the entire academic community engaged in Brazilian and international technical-scientific production.
Both journals provide open access to full content, are published in English, are peer-reviewed, and are available online. They are aligned with Open Science practices and are members and follow the principles of COPE –Committee on Publication Ethics. They are available in the main indexing services, including Scopus and Scielo. They are classified by the Qualis System in the “A2” rank. While both journals largely contribute to the aforementioned objectives, they each have particularities.
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