
ANPAD DIGITAL: Discover the changes behind the ANPAD modernization project

October – December 2023 Edition | Volume 3, Issue 4

The ANPAD Digital Program was created to modernize ANPAD operations put into practice by the current Board of Directors. In recent years, different projects have been developed to digitize operations and provide a more modern, accessible, collaborative, and inclusive experience for users. Among the projects are the modernization of the ANPAD Test and the institutional website and the creation of Conecta ANPAD and ANPAData. 

 Learn more about each project! 

 Modernization of the ANPAD Test: 

The project to modernize the ANPAD Test began in 2021. The first changes were recently implemented. 

The new ANPAD Test was inaugurated in the September 2023 Edition, when Item Response Theory (IRT) was adopted to replace the Classical Test Theory (TCT), which allows comparison between test participants even if they are not grouped into one edition. Thus, the participant’s score is generated not by comparing with other participants who took the test in a specific edition (calibration by edition) but by answering questions whose difficulty level has already been calibrated compared to other questions. 


In the November 2023 Edition, Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT) was adopted, which replaces fixed test notebooks with questions applied according to the participant’s real-time performance – the system’s algorithm offers questions based on proficiency, which is demonstrated during the test in real-time, so that the test is adaptive to the participant’s response pattern, considering the level of difficulty of the questions answered. 


This methodology and technology reduce test completion time with the same or greater precision in estimating proficiency. As a result, the ANPAD Test adopts technology from important proficiency exams on the market, such as the GMAT, used in MBA programs abroad, and language proficiency exams, such as GRE and TOEFL from ETS. 


Furthermore, many other changes are yet to come! Among the plans for the future of the test is the inclusion of on-demand editions. In 2023, the first steps have been taken toward this, with two editions already carried out in addition to those initially scheduled. Until the goals are reached, we will continue improving the exam and providing more accurate results. 


Modernization of the Institutional Website: 

The project to modernize the institutional website commenced in August 2022. The new ANPAD website features a new interface with a modern, intuitive, and responsive layout. It allows navigation throughout the entire content on different devices, whether on the computer, smartphone, or tablet. 


In addition to the new appearance, the ANPAD website has other new features: the news section, an area with information related to administration and other related areas to serve graduate students, professors, managers, directors, and the entire community; individual newsletter articles that are now available in HTML format, with separate links for each article, enabling individual access without needing to access the full PDF of the edition; video section; and the timeline with the main milestones in ANPAD’s history. 



ANPAData is a digital tool created in collaboration between ANPAD and researchers from the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE) to provide the community with information on the performance and professional and academic trajectories of graduates of ANPAD-associated programs and participants of the ANPAD Test. Through the tool, it is also possible to observe the medium and long-term behavior of professionals and academics, supporting decision-making. 


The instrument aims to expand ANPAD’s transparency process concerning the potential impacts of graduate programs. It obtains information through algorithms and data sources such as the Lattes Platform – CNPq and the Annual Social Information List (RAIS). 


On the ANPAData webpage, the user can browse four different tabs: ANPAD Test Participants Profile, Academic Profile, Job Market, and Job Market vs. Academic Profile. 



Conecta ANPAD: 

Conecta ANPAD is a virtual and open platform for people who are part of academic divisions, located in the “Academic Divisions” menu on the ANPAD website. It works as a forum to connect colleagues and academics of the same division, promote debates on important topics, share research, and provide specific content. 


Among Conecta ANPAD’s features is the possibility of creating customized collections in the library. In addition, the platform allows users with the same interests to form groups and share documents and specific content. 


These are just some of the many changes already implemented or yet to come at ANPAD. We will continue to develop and evolve toward a completely digital ANPAD to provide the best experience for our community. 

Published by Thalita Cunha at 12/20/2023 às 13:41

The Transformation of ANPAD’s Institutional Communication (2021-2023)

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