
The Transformation of ANPAD’s Institutional Communication (2021-2023)

October – December 2023 Edition | Volume 3, Issue 4

The Brazilian Academy of Management (ANPAD) underwent a significant shift in its communication strategy during the 2021-2023 administration. The initiative to structure the communication department marked a milestone, addressing longstanding challenges, reinforcing ANPAD’s visibility, and enhancing the quality of its communication with the academic community. We delve deeper into each action taken in this process below:


Definition of Structure and Team Hiring: ANPAD’s communication was previously carried out in a decentralized and generalized way. A structuring project was proposed, recognizing the need for innovation. This led to the creation of a communications department and the hiring of dedicated professionals. This change not only introduced expertise but also fostered a focused team, enhancing production and elevating the quality of content across all channels. This consolidation solidified ANPAD’s position in academia. 


Communication Plan and Brand Manual: A comprehensive guideline was developed to ensure aligned and consistent communication. This plan plays a crucial role in managing ANPAD’s visual identity, directly influencing public perception and long-term success. The Communication Plan and the Brand Manual are essential to ANPAD’s strategic communication, ensuring clear messages and protecting the brand’s integrity. 


Definition of Target Audience: A pivotal aspect of this transformation was defining a specific target audience. This facilitated the identification of each segment within the academic community, enabling the development of targeted actions to meet the needs and expectations of each group. 



Conecta ANPAD: Conecta ANPAD emerged as a virtual space for connecting and sharing knowledge. Integrated into the website, this environment facilitates specific discussion forums for each academic division and offers a shared library. This platform promotes effective communication between members with similar academic interests, creating a collaborative virtual environment for valuable discussions. 


Modernization of the Institutional Website: As part of the ANPAD Digital project, the modernization of the website commenced in August 2022. With a new intuitive and responsive layout, the website now offers optimized navigation throughout the entire content, adapting to different devices and strengthening ANPAD’s online presence. 


News and Editorial Section: The introduction of the news section addressed the demand for quality information in the field of administration. This section, updated weekly, is part of the strategy to modernize the website, bringing dynamism and effective communication to ANPAD. 



Organization and Monitoring of Social Media: A new direction was given to the strategic positioning of ANPAD’s social media and communication channels. A monitoring system was implemented to track the metrics and KPIs of the social media accounts. This system not only measures interaction with the public but also evaluates the effectiveness of each strategy. This constant analysis guides modifications in existing strategies or the implementation of new measures to achieve the organization’s goals. 


Reorganization of the YouTube channel and Promotion of Online Events: ANPAD’s YouTube channel became vital, especially during and after the pandemic. By broadcasting live events, providing new content, and revisiting past events, ANPAD responded effectively to the demands of the digital era, expanding its global visibility. 


Launch of the Quarterly Newsletter: ANPAD introduced the Quarterly Newsletter, offering insights into the most relevant academic events. The website enables users to browse individual articles, facilitating sharing on social media and providing an interactive experience. 



The evolution of ANPAD’s communication from 2021 to 2023 reflects a constant commitment to innovation and excellence. These improvements have strengthened ties with the academic community and solidified ANPAD as a reference in the area of administration. This transformation journey is just the beginning, leaving a legacy and paving the way for a promising future for ANPAD communication. 

Published by Carolina Aguiar de Paula at 12/20/2023 às 14:55