Workshop promoted by EAESP counts on the presence of editors from international journals

| 13 Jan 2023

FGV-EAESP will be holding the Academy of Management/FGV-EAESP Paper Development Workshop in person on March 16 and 17, 2023 at EAESP. The deadline for submission of abstracts is February 1st. 

The workshop is an excellent opportunity for researchers to improve their work for submission to the best international management journals and will be taught by Sherry Thatcher, editor-in-chief of the Academy of Management Review; Kevin Rockmann, editor-in-chief of the Academy of Management Discoveries; in addition to other associate editors, editorial review board members and authors from both journals. 

For those interested, applications can be made through the website: AMR/AMD Joint Workshop, March 16-17 (   

More information can be obtained here.