
Rigor, Relevance, and Impact of Research in Administration: The 47th Edition of EnANPAD returns in the in-person format

October – December 2023 Edition | Volume 3, Issue 4

Since 2020, the ANPAD Annual Meeting – EnANPAD has been conducted online due to the pandemic. However, from September 26th to 28th, 2023, more than 1,500 academics from across the country convened at Mackenzie Presbyterian University in São Paulo to discuss research integrity, scientific production, and their associated challenges.  

The event showcased 1,162 studies distributed across ANPAD’s 11 academic divisions, 66 activities, including panels and workshops, and 314 sessions, during which participants shared their research. 


Among the highlights of EnANPAD 2023 were the panels on artificial intelligence and the activity “Exhausted Women in Contemporary Life,” both of which drew large audiences.  


The event also featured an opening ceremony and a celebratory dinner on the first day, and a meetup on the second day, providing a moment of relaxation and networking among participants.  

As is customary at EnANPAD, awards and honorable mentions were distributed during for the best study in each academic division, the best academic trajectory, and the Clovis L. Machado-da-Silva Award for the best research presented at the event. The latter was sponsored by Emerald Publishing, which offered the winning work a prize of USD 1,500.  


Here is the list of winners: 

Academic Trajectory Award: 

  • Antonio Carvalho Neto 
  • João Luiz Becker 
  • José Afonso Mazzon 
  • Maria José Tonelli 


Clovis L. Machado-da-Silva Award – best research presented at EnANPAD 2023: 


ESO9475 – Theme 18 – State-ownership and corporate social performance: The moderating roles of control rights and political ideology 

Leonardo Henrique Lima de Pilla (Masters and PhD in Administration from the Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration of Fundação Getulio Vargas – FGV EBAPE and Instituto Serzedello Corrêa, Superior School of the Federal Court of Auditors) 

Rodrigo de Oliveira Leite (COPPEAD Institute of Administration of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – COPPEAD/UFRJ) 


Best study award, by division: 


  • ADI – Management Information Systems: 

ADI9009 – Theme 6 – The transfer of quality practices from the perspective of knowledge internalization: A survey in health institutions in Brazil 

Helen Cristhian Ferraz de Aquino Iani (Graduate Program in Administration at the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais – PPGA/PUC Minas) 

José Márcio de Castro 


  • APB – Public Administration: 

APB9322 – Theme 2 – The resistance of Brazilian bureaucracy in the face of democratic setbacks: An analysis at PGFN 

Jose Renato Fragoso Lobo (Masters and PhD in Administration from the Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration of Fundação Getulio Vargas – FGV EBAPE) 

Maiara Oliveira Marinho (Masters and PhD in Administration from FGV EBAPE and Graduate Program in Administration from Universidade Federal Fluminense – PPGAd/UFF) 


  • CON – Accounting: 

CON8430 – Theme 8 – Dark personality traits and the theory of planned behavior in the auditor’s judgment and decision-making 

Lorena Costa de Oliveira Araujo (Graduate Program in Administration and Controllership at the Federal University of Ceará – PPAC/UFC) 

Marcia Martins Mendes de Luca (PPAC/UFC) 


  • EOR – Organizational Studies: 

EOR9888 – Theme 13 – Criminal investigation as a societal grand challenge: New insights from a saturated field 

Victoria Barboza de Castro Cunha (Graduate Program in Administration, Academic Master’s Program in Administration at the Federal Technological University of Paraná – PPGA/UTFPR) 


  • EPQ – Management & Accounting Education and Research 

EPQ8206 – Theme 6 – The backstage scene: An analysis of presenteeism in synchronous online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic 

Nelinho de Jesus Vieira 

Eduardo Guedes Villar (Department of Administration of the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina – IFSC) 

Silvana Anita Walter (Masters in Accounting from the State University of Western Paraná – UNIOESTE) 


  • ESO – Strategy: 

ESO9475 – Theme 18 – State-ownership and corporate social performance: The moderating roles of control rights and political ideology 

Leonardo Henrique Lima de Pilla (Masters and PhD in Administration, Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration of Fundação Getulio Vargas – FGV EBAPE and Instituto Serzedello Corrêa, Superior School of the Federal Court of Auditors) 

Rodrigo de Oliveira Leite (COPPEAD Institute of Administration of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, COPPEAD/UFRJ) 


  • FIN – Finance: 

FIN9057 – Theme 1 – Foreign currency borrowing and leverage adjustments 

Guilherme Freitas Cardoso (Masters and PhD in Business Administration, São Paulo School of Business Administration at Fundação Getulio Vargas – FGV EAESP) 

Rafael F. Schiozer 


  • ITE – Innovation, Technology, and Entrepreneurship: 

ITE9722 – Theme 2 – Understanding the role of social media and dynamic capabilities for innovation performance in AgTech: A serial mediation model 

Cristian Rogério Foguesatto (Graduate Program in Administration, School of Management and Business Area of the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos – PPGAdm/UNISINOS) 

Alsones Balestrin (School of Management and Business Area, PPGAdm/UNISINOS) 

Bibiana Volkmer Martins (School of Management and Business Area, PPGAdm/UNISINOS) 


  • GOL – Operations Management and Logistics: 

GOL10224 – Theme 6 – The impact of digital transformation on supply chain resilience in complex events 

Susana Carla Farias Pereira (Master’s and PhD in Business Administration, São Paulo School of Business Administration of Fundação Getúlio Vargas – FGV EAESP and Professional Master’s in International Management – MPGI, São Paulo, FGV EAESP) 

Maciel Manoel de Queiroz (Masters and PhD in Business Administration, FGV EAESP) 


  • GPR – People Management and Labor Relations: 

GPR8755 – Theme 13 – “Being accepted there makes me less dependent on acceptance here”: Trans-contextual identity activation and coping with gender identity threats at work 

Bruno Felix (Graduate Program in Accounting and Administration at the Research and Teaching Foundation – FUCAPE) 

Ana Carolina Júlio (Graduate Program in Accounting and Administration at the Research and Teaching Foundation – FUCAPE and Study Group on Symbolisms and Everyday Practices in Organizations at the Federal University of Espírito Santo – GESIP/UFES) 

Ana Rigel (Administration Program at the Juara University Campus of the State University of Mato Grosso – Unemat and Graduate Program in Accounting and Administration at the Research and Teaching Foundation – FUCAPE) 


  • MKT – Marketing: 

MKT8931 – Theme 10 – In favor of a transmodernist consumerist education: The Escola Nacional Florestan Fernandes 

Marcus Wilcox Hemais (Masters and PhD in Business Administration from the Business School of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro – IAG-A/PUC-Rio) 

Ronan Torres Quintão (Graduate Program in Administration at the Federal Center for Technological Education of Minas Gerais – PPGA/CEFET-MG) 

Denise Franca Barros (Graduate Program in Administration at Universidade Federal Fluminense – PPGAd/UFF) 


As expected, returning to the in-person format was a success, bringing the unique atmosphere of meeting and interaction that characterizes EnANPAD. Given this year’s success, we can excitedly anticipate even more next year. EnANPAD, in its 48th edition, promises to continue to be a milestone in the academic scenario, bringing together researchers, academics, and professionals for more in-depth and enriching discussions. We look forward to seeing you at the next edition! 


Additional awards from the Academic Divisions, honorable mentions, complete schedule, and the EnANPAD 2023 DOI are available on the event’s website. 

Did you miss EnANPAD and would like to watch it? Check out the highlights of the event and the complete pre-event on the ANPAD YouTube channel. 


Published by Thalita Cunha at 12/20/2023 às 13:53