
Modernization of the ANPAD Test: Understand what has changed

October – December 2023 Edition | Volume 3, Issue 4

Just like other areas of ANPAD, the ANPAD Test is undergoing changes. Participants in the recent editions have experienced a new version of the test, which is more modern and features a new assessment system.  

The modernization project was designed to develop a more updated and efficient ANPAD Test. To this end, since 2022, the management and test team have been focusing on aligning with national and international proficiency test standards, improving items, and the generation of results.  

The main changes in the last edition were the adoption of item response theory (IRT), used by several proficiency tests in Brazil and around the world – such as ENEM, SAEB, PISA, TOEFL, and GMAT – and the adoption of computerized adaptive testing (CAT).  


But what does this change mean? 

 IRT – The test evaluation used to calculate the score based on the average and standard deviation of the test takers. Now, with item response theory, each question is an item, and the score calculation considers the consistency of the answer according to the degree of difficulty of each question and the participant’s response pattern. This change means the result has been more faithful to the participants’ individual performance, increasing comparability between editions. Another advantage of IRT is that it guarantees greater precision in measuring the examinees’ proficiency in the areas assessed, as it considers the degree of difficulty of the questions and the consistency between the answers, not just the number of correct answers by the participants. 


CAT – Computerized Adaptive Testing is a test application method that uses IRT to select questions according to the examinee’s estimated proficiency levels. Although the test follows a set of predefined questions, each participant takes an individual exam, customized based on the history of questions already answered. Thus, the examinee receives questions that value their knowledge.

This is just the beginning of many new things to come!

For more information about the modernization of the ANPAD Test, visit the website:

Published by Thalita Cunha at 12/20/2023 às 13:47