
EnANPAD 2021 in Perception and in Retrospect 

October – December 2021 Edition | Volume 1, Issue 4

The XLV ANPAD Annual Meeting – EnANPAD 2021 attests to how solid, fruitful and advanced Management Studies has  become.  The  event  provided  opportunities  for researchers  in  the  field  to  disseminate  and  debate  scientific  articles,   representing the very best of science in Management.  The   EnANPAD   aims   to   bring   together   Management    specialists    and    other    stakeholders    to    discuss    topics   of   common   interest,   with   a   view   to   1)   updating   and    progressing scientific research in the field, 2) disseminating  findings and debating them for improved qualification and  validation  within  the  scientific  community,  3) encouraging   the  development  of  emergent  fields,  4)  promoting  the   training  of young  researchers,  and  5)  rewarding  the  best  research and academic trajectories.  

ANPAD   has   been   the main means   of   disseminating academic  papers and  discussing   research   topics in Management in  Brazil.  The  number  of    submissions and publications have grown  significantly,  but we still need to  expand the  submissions  of  paper  produced by   non- Brazilians. 

The EnANPAD  promotes  the  publication  of  complete   papers in ANPAD’s electronic proceedings. The presentation  formats  favored  an  in-depth  debate  of  the  papers  and  the  interaction  among  attendees  and  delegates.  We  had   429  paper  presentation  sessions,  61  activities  from  our  academic  divisions,  5  interdivisional activities,  and  more  than  40  international  speakers,  including  from  Italy,  the   UK, Israel, Germany, New Zealand, the US, France, Norway,  Austria,  the  UAE,  and  Canada, in  addition  to  relevant   Brazilian   researchers.   Professor   Quinetta Roberson,   the   2020-2021  President  of  the  Academy  of  Management (AOM), participated as a speaker. 

 EnANPAD’s  internationalization  process  needs  to  be constant  and  requires support,  as  provided  by  both  the   presence   of   and   the   lectures   by   international   guests.    They brought  cutting-edge  knowledge  to  the  Brazilian  academia,  motivating  researchers  to  attend  the  event,   generating debates, and urging us to seek new intellectual  challenges.  The meeting  included several  opportunities   for development, such as the academic sessions for paper presentations aimed at academic improvement. 

 Organizing an event is a significant and relevant activity  in the education field, for both trainers and students. In fact, approximately  half  of  the  attendees  were  students  in  our   event.  Students  take  advantage  of  the  event  to  connect   with   the   academic   community,   Exchange experiences  and network   for   the    development of  their  own  research  projects.    As    one    of   the   major   aims   and    results     of     graduate   studies is student education,   scientific events    such    as  the   EnANPAD    provide    the    opportunity    for    students    to submit    papers  resulting   from  their    theses,   dissertations   and research    in    general,  and  then  have  them  reviewed  by  experts  in  the  field.  All   papers  submitted  are  diligently  reviewed,  and  authors   receive complete feedback regardless of their approval or rejection status. 

Our  event  resulted  in  1,621  papers from  2,311  authors  published  in  the  electronic  proceedings.  The  authors  of   the best papers in each division were awarded a fast track for  publication  in  either  the  BAR  –  Brazilian  Administration Review  or the RAC (Journal of Contemporary Administration).  Both are open-access  journals  run  by  ANPAD  and  highly  ranked in the field in Brazil. 

Attendees’ perception of use of the virtual platform and their satisfaction with the EnANPAD 

At the end of the event, we carried out a satisfaction survey with attendees addressing the following attributes: technical failures of the platform, attributes prior to the event, attributes during the event, general satisfaction, and recommendation of the event to colleagues. A subgroup of the total attendees provided 65 complete responses, which allowed us to carry out a path analysis. This subgroup was in general: male (56.9%), from the South and Southeast regions of Brazil (70.8%), aged up to 40 years (58.5%), and students (61.5%). The results are provided below, as summarized inTables 1-3, in item groups based on convergent validity and in factors based on descriptive analyses. 

Considering the scale (0 – never to 3 – often), Table 1 shows that technical failures in the online platform were rare, but still existing, for all criteria. Ideally, there should be no flaws in the platform. As we want to be better prepared for access congestion in the upcoming events, a pre-test alert for attendees’ microphones and videos is expected to alleviate such problems. The platform service provider can run more tests before the event to avoid general failures with links and platform access items.

Table 2 provides the general satisfaction with the attributes prior to the event, with a scale from 1 (totally dissatisfied) to 5 (totally satisfied). The quality of the paper submission system stands out in this assessment. Feedback from reviewers traditionally needs to be improved, and registration fees can be better detailed to avoid a lack of understanding of the inherent event costs. One of the possible solutions as to fee satisfaction would be the rendering of accounts, to be disclosed with ANPAD’s annual financial data. 

Table 3 presents satisfaction with attributes during the EnANPAD 2021, with a scale of 1 (completely dissatisfied) to 5 (completely satisfied). The attributes that stand out are: event organization, divisional panels, event’s contribution to professional growth, information about the event, interdivisional panels, and quality of papers presented. Feedback at presentations, the main topic and professional development workshops were generally well evaluated, but may receive some improvement or adaptation for the upcoming events. In contrast, the doctoral consortium, the networking room, and the thematic lounge require adjustments, as they received average ratings. In particular, many reported that they did not participate in these activities. One of our priorities is to make the EnANPAD assessments more transparent and propose actions for improvement. 


Figure 2 shows the predictive path analysis of the three constructs (technical failures in the online platform as perceived by the attendees, satisfaction with the attributes prior to the event, and satisfaction with the attributes during the event) on the indicators General satisfaction with the EnANPAD 2021 (mean= 4.12 with standard deviation = 1.07) and Recommendation of the event to colleagues (mean 4.32, with standard deviation = 0.99). The analysis shows that the greater the general satisfaction with the event, the greater its recommendation to colleagues (adjusted R2= 56.4%, with a coefficient of 0.76, significant at p ≤ 0.01). Therefore, creating greater satisfaction with the event produces greater chances of loyalty to it, with recommendation being one of its indicators. In turn, both the satisfaction prior to the event and the satisfaction during the event form the overall satisfaction (adjusted R2 = 79.9%), with a greater weight for “during” (coefficient of 0.65, significant at p ≤ 0.01) than for “prior” (coefficient of 0.30, significant at p ≤ 0.01). Thus, what happens during the event is more relevant to producing the overall satisfaction with it. The technical failures perceived and occurred in the event negatively and marginally influenced the satisfaction with the attributes during the event (adjusted R2= 6.1%, with a coefficient of – 0.27, significant at p < 0.1). Therefore, they were slightly present at the event, but they have the potential to affect satisfaction during it. 

What did you like most? 

Attendees reported positive aspects of the event. Figure 3 shows a similarity analysis and how the terms of this positive attitude connects to each other. The online event was praised for allowing different formats of presentation, especially the professional development workshops, and for the relative lower cost of having foreign scholars as keynote speakers. In addition, the mediators in the rooms, divisional sessions and international lectures were also lauded. Complementarily, attendees provided good assessments of the quality of the presentations and paper discussions, as well as the possibility of networking. Attendees also highlighted the good event organization, the topics presented, and the easy use of the platform. 

Critiques and suggestions 

Finally, attendees provided critiques and suggestions. Figure 4 reveals that the online event was criticized because of its registration fees and because of the little time allocated for interaction with other users, despite the major impact that the online format should have on these aspects. Attendees suggest more time for discussion and a potential return to a face-to-face or hybrid format. They also criticized failures in accessing the platform and suggested simultaneous interpreting for presentations in foreign languages. They also suggested that we should allocate more time for both sessions and paper presentation. Finally, they praised our inclusion policies and the online format, and expect us to keep them. 

 These are critiques of which we should really be aware for our upcoming event next year. 

We thank everyone who attended the EnANPAD 2021. Your contribution with lectures, paper presentations and prestige to our community’s work were fundamental for the success of our event. We have learned to live differently during the pandemic, and we want to continue expanding the possibilities of innovating. In fact, much of what we considered a distant reality a few years ago could be witnessed in the EnANPAD 2021. We hope that the next event will be even better. 

We are sure we can always count on you and your contribution! 

Published by at 11/21/2022 às 21:35

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