
EnANPAD 2023: Pre-event highlights

July – September 2023 Edition | Volume 3, Issue 3

The EnANPAD 2023 pre-event was held online and centered around the theme “Rigor, relevance and impact in management research.” The pre-event was open to the general public and took place on September 19 – 20. 

ANPAD’s Annual Meeting, EnANPAD, has been organizing pre-events since 2021. In 2023, the pre-event theme mirrors that of the main event. It was chosen after a thorough discussion on research and scientific production integrity, along with the associated challenges. Rigor, relevance and impact were identified as critical factors for achieving high-quality academic research. 

The opening session was led by ANPAD’s President, Professor Alketa Peci (FGV EBAPE), ANPAD’s Scientific Director pro-tempore, Professor Emílio José Montero Arruda Filho (PPAD/UNAMA and UFPA), and the pre-event coordinator, Professor Vinicius Andrade Brei (PPGA/EA/UFRGS). 

The pre-event featured four round tables, each addressing  the following topics: 

  • Truth and the replication crisis in management research; 
  • With great power comes great responsibilities: the importance of rigor in conducting impactful research; 
  • What teachers and researchers need to know about open science; and 
  • Enhancing the conditions of vulnerable groups through rigorous research: contributions from the field of administration. 

As in previous years, the Doctoral Consortium was an integral part of the EnANPAD pre-event program. Over the course of two days, 59 topics related to ANPAD’s academic divisions were discussed. 

Did you miss the event and want to watch it? You can find the panel discussions in the pre-event playlist on our YouTube channel. 

Published by Thalita Cunha at 09/29/2023 às 13:31