
Conecta ANPAD: An Essential Tool for the Management Academic Community

July – September 2023 Edition | Volume 3, Issue 3

Technology plays a pivotal role in facilitating communication, networking, and sharing valuable academic content.  

 Today, we introduce Conecta ANPAD, a communication and sharing platform developed by the Brazilian Academy of Management (ANPAD) exclusively for members of its Academic Divisions. This platform is strategically designed to strengthen the academic community, and its mission is streamlining communication, expanding networking opportunities, and simplifying the sharing of academic information and content. 


What is Conecta ANPAD? 

 Conecta ANPAD is an online platform accessible through the ANPAD website, specifically located within the Academic Divisions section. Its primary objective is to foster efficient communication among members of the divisions who share similar academic interests. Moreover, it strongly emphasizes enhancing networking capabilities, making connections more impactful. This virtual meeting point is a hub where scholars can connect with peers and academics in their field, exchange experiences, and learn from one another. 


The platform facilitates discussions on significant topics, offers a space to share research within the field, and provides valuable content that contributes to the academic body of knowledge. 


One of Conecta’s standout features is the option for users to create their own collection in the library. This feature allows scholars to share vital documents and pertinent content from their area of expertise with a select group of like-minded individuals. Whether the users possess an outstanding academic article, groundbreaking research, or any content that deserves wider recognition, Conecta ANPAD is the perfect avenue for sharing it. 


But that’s not all! 


Conecta also provides an exclusive space for ANPAD’s Academic Divisions. In addition to offering comprehensive information about each division, the users gain access to discussion forums tailored to their specific area of study. This presents a golden opportunity to build knowledge, engage in discussions about pertinent subjects, and stay updated with the latest developments in an Academic Division. The general forums are central hubs for all divisions, where users can publicize events, discover professional opportunities, and explore novel ways to expand their academic and professional horizons. 


Conecta ANPAD extends an open invitation to members of the academic divisions and ANPAD members registered with iANPAD. The platform offers the chance to streamline communication, broaden the network, and easily share academic content and information. 


It’s important to remember that Conecta ANPAD thrives on users active participation, engagement, and contributions. Your involvement will shape this platform, making it your own and inspiring others to follow suit. We want to see you transform this space and witness the positive impact Conecta will have on the academic community. 


You can access Conecta by following the steps below: 

1)Access ANPAD’s website and log in to the iANPAD system. 

2) In the main menu, navigate to “About Us” and select the “Academic Divisions” option. 

3)Click on the link to your specific division.


4)On the left, you will find essential information about the division, and on the right, you can access the division’s and ANPAD’s social media. 


5)The general and specific forums for each division can be found below the main division information. 

For a comprehensive tutorial (in Portuguese), please visit: 

Published by Carolina Aguiar de Paula at 10/05/2023 às 13:08