
ANPAD was present at the formal session of the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies held to celebrate the Administrator’s Day

July – September 2023 Edition | Volume 3, Issue 3

The Brazilian Chamber of Deputies convened in a formal session on September 11, 2023, at 10 a.m. to commemorate Administrator’s Day. ANPAD was represented at the event by its Director of Communications and Publications, Rafael Barreiros Porto. The occasion also provided ANPAD with an opportunity to strengthen its bonds with the Federal Council of Administration (CFA) and its regional chapters (CRAs), emphasizing the significance of teaching, research, and extension in the field of administration. 

Administrator’s Day is observed on the anniversary of the enactment of Law 4769/65, the legislation regulating the administrator profession in Brazil. This law was crucial in consolidating administration as both an academic discipline and a profession in the country. 

This celebration has become a tradition, acknowledging and honoring the contributions of administration professionals to the nation’s development, both in the public and private sectors. Brazil boasts more than 450,000 registered administration professionals within the CFA/CRAs System, highlighting the importance of this profession. This year’s session in the Chamber of Deputies was organized by Federal Deputies Adriano do Baldi of the Progressistas Party (PP) from the state of Goiás and Leônidas Cristino of the Democratic Labor Party (PDT) from the state of Ceará, who presided over the session. 

During the session, Carlos Alberto Ferreira Júnior, the President of the Federal District’s CRA, expressed his gratitude for the attendance of administration students from prestigious higher education institutions at the event. Representatives from the 27 regional chapters of the Administration Council were also in attendance. 


Deputy Arthur Lira, President of the Chamber of Deputies, emphasized the significance of Administrator’s Day, declaring that “administration represents the modernity of business and contributes to enhancing the overall quality of life in society.” He underscored the role of administrators in coordinating efforts across various domains and maximizing results. Lira also noted the regulation of the administration profession in 1965, highlighting that administrators have played a crucial part in the country’s economic development despite the relatively recent establishment of the profession compared to others. 

Deputy Leônidas Cristino emphasized the importance of these professionals in shaping the present and future of Brazil. He commended the leadership of CFA’s president, Leonardo Macedo, and the efforts of CRAs’ directors across the nation in championing the values and standards that underpin the profession. Deputy Cristino also highlighted the administrators’ contribution to enhancing the quality of public expenditure and facilitating the delivery of exceptional services for society. 


The session held in the Chamber of Deputies marked a significant moment of recognition and celebration of the vital work done by administrators, whose role is indispensable for the progress and development of Brazil. ANPAD, in collaboration with the CFA/CRAs System, reaffirmed its dedication to fostering and promoting growth and excellence in the field of administration within the country. 

Watch the full session here 


Images: Bruno Spada / Brazilian Chamber of Deputies

Published by Carolina Aguiar de Paula at 09/29/2023 às 13:31