The activities of EnANPAD 2022 reflect the event’s central theme, “Tackling grand societal challenges: A role for management, managers, and organizations” The program presents two pre-events, the 16th IFSAM Congress and the Methodological Development Workshops that will take place with the Doctoral Consortium. Following the tradition, we will have the lectures of each division, with the participation of outstanding professors in different fields. In addition, nine interdivisional panelswill be conducted, gathering national and international experts.We are excited to bring you some information about the themes and participants of the interdivisional panels, which are some of the most important presentations of EnANPAD 2022.
The first interdivisional panel will be held on the morning of September 21, introducing Professor Geraldine Fraser-Moleketi of Nelson Mandela University (South Africa), Professor Yamini Aiyar of the Center for Policy Research (India), Professor Linda Bilmes of the Kennedy School of Government and Harvard University (USA), and Professor Rolf Alter of the Hertie School of Governance (Germany). They will present the panel on “The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in action: A global perspective,” with the moderation of Professor Alketa Peci from FGV EBAPE and president of ANPAD.
In the afternoon of that same day, the second interdivisional panel will present the theme “Sustainability and Decolonization,” presented by Professor David Zoogah from McMaster University (Canada), Professor Juliana Cristina Teixeira from PPGAdm/Ufes, the Graduate Program in Administration (GPAdm) of the Federal University of Espírito Santo (Brazil), Professor Josiane Silva de Oliveira from PPGADM/UFG, the GPAdm of the Federal University of Goiás and PPA/UEM, the GPAdm of the Maringá State University (Brazil), andProfessor Sergio Eduardo de Pinho Velho Wanderley from PPGA/Unigranrio, the GPAdm of Uningranrio (Brazil).
The third interdivisional panel will be held in the late afternoon, after a short break at the end of the second panel. Professor Alketa Peci will mediate the presentation on “Assessment and Prospects for Capes Area 27” that will count on the participation of Professor Edson Ronaldo Guarido Filho from FACE/UnB, the Faculty of Economics, Administration, Accounting, and Public Policy Management of the University of Brasilia (Brazil), who is the current coordinator of the Area of Public and Business Administration, Accounting Sciences, and Tourism at the Brazilian agency Capes, for the period 2018-2022.
The next morning (September 22), will begin with the fourth interdivisional panel, entitled “Reimagined publishers/research community partnership: Looking at current grand challenges through SDGs lenses for the betterment of society”, with the participation of Wendy Purcell from Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health (USA), Richard Oloruntoba from Curtin Business School (Australia), Jo Jones and Florence Theberge, both from Emerald Publishing. The panel will be mediated by André Jun, also from Emerald Publishing.
Later in the morning, the fifth interdivisional panel will address the theme “Global Environmental Changes.” Professor Jose Antonio Puppim de Oliveira from FGV EAESP and FGV EBAPE will mediate the discussion. This worrisome issue will be discussed by Professor Karen Seto from Yale University (USA), Professor Saleem Ali from the University of Delaware (USA), and Professor Paulo Artaxo from USP/IF.
The afternoon will begin with the sixth interdivisional panel discussing the theme “Populism and Democratic Backsliding” with the moderation of Professor Alketa Peci and the participation of Professor Donald Moynihan from Georgetown University (USA), Professor David Arellano-Gault from CIDE (Mexico), and Professor Michelle Morais de Sa e Silva from the University of Oklahoma (USA).
The seventh interdivisional panel will take place subsequently with the title “Post-Pandemic Inclusion: Opportunities and Challenges”, mediated by Professor Delane Botelho from FGV EAESP and with the special participation of Regina Maia, Director of Institutional Communication at iFood, and Lisiane Lemos, manager of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Recruitment Programs at Google.
On the morning of the last day of the event (September 23), the eighth interdivisional panel– “The Adoption of Artificial Intelligence in Organizations and Society: Did what we learned in seven decades of Digital Transformation prepared us to understand this process?” – is a topic proposed by Professor Edimara Mezzomo Luciano from GPAdm of FACE, PUCRS. She is the coordinator of ANPAD’s Management Information Systems Division (ADI), and the panel will gather five panelists, professors in Brazilian institutions: Armindo dos Santos de Sousa Teodósio from GPAdm/PUC Minas – current coordinator of ANPAD’s Public Administration Division (APB), Marie Anne Macadar Moron from COPPEAD/UFRJ and FGV EAESP, Cesar Alexandre de Souza from GPAdm of FEA, USP, Paula Chimenti from COPPEAD/UFRJ, and Andrea Poleto Oltramari from GPAdm of UFRGS’s Business School and SOCIUS/ISEG, University of Lisbon.
On the last afternoon of the event, Professor Delane Botelho from FGV EBAPE will mediate the last interdivisional panel, entitled “Art in Resource Development: The Valueof Innovation, Technology and the Individual in the Organization”, with the special participation of Daniel Pedrino – president of Faculdade Descomplica, Gabriela Baumgart – chairman of the IBGC board and of the Baumgart Group board, and Marcelo Lacerda – Terra Networks and Magnopus.
On the last evening of EnANPAD 2022, a closing ceremony will gather the annual meeting participants. ANPAD’s Board of Directors (triennium 2021-2023) will present a brief retrospective of the event and reveal the awards winners:
» Divisional awards: the best work of each Academic Division will be awarded.
» Clovis L. Machado-da-Silva Award: for the best work of the event, sponsored by Emerald Publishing, which will offer the winning research a prize of USD 1,500.
» Best article whose theme contributes to the understanding, analysis, and practical intervention regarding the construction of strategies and capabilities in the Brazilian Public Administration. All articles submitted to the event compete for the prize of BRL 4,000 offered by REPÚBLICA.ORG.
Now you have a better idea of what is to come*! Access The complete program of EnANPAD 2022 and pre-events. On our website, you can find all the lectures, panels, and round tables, so you can prepare your schedule to enjoy the activities.
We hope you enjoy our 46th Annual meeting, EnANPAD 2022!
* Schedule subject to change.

Text written by Kler Godoy (ANPAD).
Published by at 11/21/2022 às 22:34