The 46th ANPAD Annual Meeting – EnANPAD 2022 will be preceded by several activities designed for the academic community of business and public administration, accounting, and tourism, following the idea of pre-events launched in 2021. The focus of these events in 2022 is the development of teaching and research methodologies, addressing issues of interest for the various audiences in the field. The pre-events will occur remotely and in different formats on September 12 and 13, 2022.
The set of methodological development workshops is one of these pre-event. It will start with an open panel entitled “Intervention Research in the Field of Administration,” where Daniel Lacerda (Unisinos) and Natalia Bueno (Emory University) will address the challenges of developing intervention-oriented research, whether based on field experiments or adopting the perspective of design science research. The panel’s objective is to promote the dialogue among researchers at different levels of training in academic and professional graduate programs.
The subsequent activities will adopt the format of panels and workshops organized in different lines focusing on quantitative, qualitative, or mixed approaches. In addition, these activities will debate research ethics and the current challenges on this topic.
Cross-sectional activities will address key themes for the development of impact research. Initially, a thematic panel will discuss the necessary alignment between research objectives, theories, and methods. This panel will be followed by two activities focusing on research ethics. The second thematic panel will discuss the role of ethics committees and the new challenges emerging from the recent Brazilian General Data Protection Law. There will also be a workshop on procedures and techniques to ensure greater transparency in research and pre-registration of studies on public platforms.
The workshops on qualitative and quantitative research methodologies will focus on methods and techniques disseminated in the field. Quali workshops will work on the development of case studies, the operationalization of thematic analysis, and the structuring of ethnographic studies. Quanti workshops will address the design of experiments, pairing, and the use of panel data. The idea is to concentrate on practical and applied aspects, discussing steps, procedures, and challenges to improve these types of research. Thus, the participants will leave the workshops with concrete gains for ongoing studies.
The workshops on teaching and learning methodologies are organized in two moments. The first will address inventive methodologies, especially gamified learning projects and VersOnLIFE (the latter involving both metaverse perspectives), whereas the second deals with SaIGOn pedagogical practices. The objective is to problematize pedagogical methodologies and practices in the context of hybrid and multimodal education and OnLIFE education, presenting the inventive methodologies and pedagogical practices SaIGOn, developed by the International Research Group on Digital Education – GPe-dU Unisinos/CNPq in the scope of OnLIFE teaching.
The program of methodological development workshops offers 12 activities, some of which will occur in concurrent sessions. Expository panels will be broadcast on ANPAD’s YouTube channel, com a interlocução com participantes mediada via chat, e posteriormente serão disponibilizados para o público geral. Já as oficinas serão conduzidas por especialistas nos temas e realizadas mediante inscrição de interessados/as. Buscamos, com isso, mapear a participação de modo a ajustar as dinâmicas que serão adotadas pelos mediadores e mediadoras convidados.
The teaching and research methodology workshops will be coordinated by Ana Diniz (Insper), Eliane Schlemmer (Unisinos), and Rafael Goldszmidt (FGV-EBAPE) in partnership with ANPAD’s Scientific Director. Check out the detailed schedule.

Text written in collaboration with Professors Ana Diniz (Insper), Eliane Schlemmer (Unisinos), and Prof. Rafael Goldszmidt (FGV-EBAPE).
Published by at 11/21/2022 às 22:36