We are using our YouTube channel to disseminate our community’s scientific production. It has plenty of content from our various Divisions. It also contains lectures from events such as ANPAD Annual Meeting – EnANPAD 2020, SITE (ANPAD Symposium of Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship), EMA (ANPAD Marketing Conference), and EnEPQ (ANPAD Conference on Management and Accounting Education and Research).
Our channel has playlists dedicated to each Academic Division, with videos produced by the Divisions themselves containing relevant debates in each field. The Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship (ITE) and the Marketing (MKT) Divisions tell us what it has been like to use YouTube as a tool for disseminating science.
The pandemic has speeded up the use of digital technologies, including for academic activities that had been traditionally carried out in person. In the case of the ITE Division, the use of our YouTube channel has been quite positive, as highlighted by its coordinator, Professor Kadígia Faccin from university Unisinos:
In addition to the virtual interaction between the ITE Division members during the ANPAD events, the Division has promoted other sessions throughout the year to engage the academic community. The Division’s Coordination and Scientific Committee have defined the themes and invited the panelists. The Theme Leaders network has helped us organize the sessions, especially when it comes topromoting and engaging in the debates. The ITE Division is supported by a group of graduate student volunteers, the ITE Hub, who have helped us organize the events, including promoting them and broadcasting and recording the videos.
“Contact with the Division members hás become closer through our online meetings. Our videos and our YouTube channel are here to stay.”
This joint work has already shown positive results. In the first half of 2021, the ITE Division used the ANPAD Symposium of Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship, in May, to organize a series of panels in the weeks leading up to the event. The panels were broadcast on YouTube. By doing so, the Division managed to interact with the community and promote debates on some of the themes of the Symposium. The Division even invited international professors to participate in the panels.
In addition, the ITE Division has used the YouTube channel to record other activities of interest to the academic community, such as round tables on career and training organized by the Division’s members. The Division plans to have organized other sessions by the end of the year to further promote interaction and collaboration amongst members.
The Marketing Division has started to hold Marketing Research Seminars. Inspired by the Seminar Series from business schools around the world, this is a periodic one-hour-long webinar which seeks to reproduce and disseminate good research practices and scientific-academic production. The event is organized by researchers Marcos Severo (PPGADM/UFG) and Rafael Barreiros Porto (PPGA/UnB), who interview selected Brazilian marketing researchers who have published in high-impact international journals.
The main objectives of the ‘Seminars’ are to unveil details related to development, evaluation and publication of high-impact works and to provide instruments for researchers and graduate students to have their work published in such journals. The event is regularly available on the Marketing Division playlist on ANPAD’s YouTube channel.
In addition to ITE and MKT, our channel also hás content on Strategy (ESO), Organizational Studies (EOR), Finance (FIN), Operations Management and Logistics (GOL), Management & Accounting Education and Research (EPQ), and Human Resources and Labor Relations (GPR). Further Divisions are on their way to contribute to our channel. Please access our channel and share our community’s
Published by at 11/21/2022 às 21:15
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