We are very happy to celebrate the 25th anniversary of RAC in 2022. It is an avant-garde journal in the field of administration in Brazil, emerged to fulfill the lack of journals without connection to a specific educational institution, publishing Brazilian and, currently, international research. RAC has published studies with multiple philosophical, theoretical, and methodological orientations, consolidating as a space of plurality for both mainstream and new ideas and perspectives in the field of administration. Amidst the increasing number of administration journals worldwide (and in Brazil), RAC was established as a contemporary journal.
A contemporary journal means a publication attentive to the present and its prominent challenges. This institutional positioning was made under the leadership of RAC’s first editor-in-chief, Prof. Clóvis Machado da Silva (in memorian), when the journal was created in January 1997. The view of building a plural journal was present since the beginning and throughout the leadership of the editors-in-chief that followed Professor da Silva, such as Professors César Gonçalves Neto between 2001 and 2002 (in memorian) and Tomás de Aquino Guimarães (2002 -2005), editors that consolidated RAC as a national reference for publishing research in administration
RAC continued to be attuned to everyday life, and an example of this characteristic is the journal’s electronic version, which went live during Prof. Rogério Quintella’s administration (2006-2011). In the subsequent administration (2012-2018), under the leadership of Prof. Herbert Kimura, RAC incorporated the journal Tecnologias de Administração e Contabilidade(TAC) (Administration and Accounting Technologies). This event expanded RAC’s plurality, opening space for publications with contributions to the teaching and practice of administration through teaching cases and technological articles. More recently, the editor-in-chief Prof. Wesley Mendes-da-Silva (2018-2021), concerned with transparency in scientific research, led the process of making RAC a journal aligned with the best practices of Open Science and in the modernization of the journal’s website and operational procedures that enable RAC to advance in its indexing processes.
Now, it is up to me to lead the RAC positioning processes (anchored in the concept of contemporaneity – see Editorial of RAC v. 26, n. 1), advance in the journal indexation, guarantee epistemic, theoretical, or methodological plurality, diversity (ensuring gender diversity, for example), and continue the internationalization of the journal without losing its Brazilian identity.
To democratize this history and ensure that the multiple hands that built RAC over these 25 years participate in this celebration, I share below some testimonials from former RAC editors, with the absence only of professors Clóvis Machado da Silva and César Gonçalves Neto (in memorian), the current Director of Communications and Publications (Prof. Rafael Porto), and the President of ANPAD, Professor Alketa Peci).

I will take this opportunity to thank the entire RAC community made up of readers, authors, reviewers, and associate editors. Without your work, RAC would not exist. Likewise, my gratitude to all the people who participated behind thescenes of RAC over these 25 years and who are currently represented by the competent Kler Godoy and Simone Rafael; your contributions make RAC a journal of excellence. May RAC always remain a space for contemporary issues in which administration critically contributes to the real world and its concrete problems. Congratulations RAC!

Published by at 11/21/2022 às 21:54
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