
Calls for RAC and BAR Editors-in-Chief 

January – March 2021 Edition | Volume 1, Issue 1

ANPAD is responsible for two prestigious scientific journals in the domain: the  Revista de Administração Contemporânea – RAC [Journal of Contemporary Administration] (created in 1997) and the Brazilian Administration Review – BAR (created in 2004). As provided in the ANPAD Bylaws, our editorial team shall renew every three years. To democratize the process of choosing the new editor-in-chief, the Association’s Director of Communication and Publications have issued calls for application to the new editor-in-chief of each journal.  

Both journals are highly ranked as top-quality publications by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education  Personnel (CAPES) and integrate the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and renowned international indexing agencies and repositories. Following a rigorous blind peer-review process, both journals are committed to developing scientific research in Administration and open to various methodological and conceptual approaches. 



RAC publishes theoretical and theoretical-empirical articles in the domains of Administration and Accounting. It is aligned with Open Science practices, including data, materials and open codes, in addition to further information  related to the editorial process. In recent years, RAC has implemented editorial policies that favor Open Science, including: dissemination of  data and materials related to published research; open peer review (with reviewers allowing their  identification  in  the  final  version  of  all  published  articles  submitted to  double-blind  review),  and  sharing  of  reviews (Open Reports), with all reviewers allowing the publication of their reviews along with the respective articles. 

RAC is  the  leading  academic  journal  in  its  field  in  Brazil,  contaiing  high-quality  peer-reviewed  contributions.  We  pay  special  attention  to  the  role  of  RAC as  a  reliable  source  of  data,  information,  and  knowledge.  Our  editorial  scope  prioritizes manuscripts that explore topics relevant to society and relies on the topics defined in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In fact, the journal takes a pluralistic and heterodox approach to business management research, and it is particularly concerned with the links between strategy and competitive management. It also provides research results on systems and standards, corporate management tools, organizations and management, specific sectors of the industry, as well as answers to contemporary issues such as development, community resilience, inequality, consumerism, technology, and climate change. 



Available  in  the  major  indexers,  including Scopus, BAR  is  a  scientific  journal  that  targets business  and  public administration. Its mission is to advance academic knowledge in management, administration and organizational theories. It seeks to convey theoretical and empirical studies with a view to supporting companies and governments worldwide. Theoretical and methodological perspectives are welcome, as long as they are also practice-oriented. Manuscripts  submitted to BAR should not focus on a particular country/region and are expected to push theoretical, methodological and applied advances to the frontiers of academic knowledge on a global scale.  BAR’s editorial scope does not include teaching cases or purely applied material. The journal’s target audience is the global academic community in all fields of business and public administration. 

In  cooperation  with  the  Open  Science, BAR  has  disclosed  the reviewers’  identities  in  the published  articles,  with  their  prior  authorization.  It  has  recently  published  its  first  article in its  new  section  “Thinking  Outside  the  Box”  (TOB).  This  is  a  highly selective section, where renowned scholars discuss emerging ideas, controversies in the field, statistical datafrom the industry, and practical experiences with theories and organizational models in unique situations.  



We look forward to having the academic community’s engaging in the selection process for new editor-in-chief of RAC or BAR for the term running from May 3rd, 2021 through May 2nd, 2024. For those interested, the calls for application contain all requirements and further details. Click on the title of each journal to access the calls for RAC and BAR. 

Published by at 11/21/2022 às 10:07