
Highlights and Prizes of the 2024 Divisional Conferences

April – June 2024 Edition I | Volume 4, Issue 2

From May 15 to 17, 2024, São Paulo hosted the 2024 Divisional Conferences, organized by ANPAD and its Divisions and Interest Groups, with ESPM as the headquarters. This year’s event brought together researchers from across the country and featured the X ANPAD Marketing Conference (EMA 2024), the VIII ANPAD Conference on Management and Accounting Education and Research (EnEPQ 2024), and the XXXII ANPAD Symposium of Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship (SITE 2024). 

 These events were crucial in advancing their respective fields, offering a platform for scientific discussion and networking opportunities. Additionally, each division held meetings and presented awards to recognize outstanding contributions. 

VIII ANPAD Conference on Management and Accounting Education and Research – EnEPQ 2024 

Alessia Contu attended EnEPQ 2024 as the main speaker. Professor of administration at the University of Massachusetts, Boston, Contu is renowned for her research in psychoanalysis, political philosophy, ethics, and critical theories, with publications in journals such as Human Relations and Academy of Management Review. Her talk on contemporary organizational and management practices was one of the event’s highlights. 

 The EnEPQ 2024 award winners: 

  • Best work: “Predicting dropout rates among administration students using machine learning” (EPQ10681) 

 Authors: Edvan Cruz Aguiar (PPGA/UFCG), Maria Beatriz Torreão Morais de Alcântara (PET Administração – UFCG), Diliane Salustiano de Farias (PPGA/UFPB) 

  • Best work resulting from a master’s thesis: “Exploring MBTI application in an empirical study of leadership development programs” (EPQ10585) 

 Authors: Anderson de Souza Sant Anna (MPGC – FGV/EAESP), Luiz Otavio Salgado Vogel (MPGC – FGV/EAESP) 

  • Best teaching case: “The Kiwi Winery Case: an ethical dilemma of payment gap and immigrants’ rights” (PQ10545) 

 Authors: Hellen Cordeiro Alves Marquezini (FGV/EAESP), Kelen Cristina Duarte (UFMG) 

  • Best reviewer: Beatriz Quiroz Villardi 
  • Young researcher: Bárbara Galleli 
  • Academic trajectory: Diógenes de Souza Bido 

See the complete list of EnEPQ 2024 Award Winners and Honorable Mentions here. 

XXXII ANPAD Symposium of Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship – SITE 2024 

Stelvia Matos, associate professor of social innovation and sustainability management, led the main panel at SITE 2024, providing valuable insights into the interaction between social, environmental, and economic factors. As the director of the Center for Social Innovation Management at Surrey Business School, Matos made the event memorable by sharing her groundbreaking research. 

The SITE 2024 award winners: 

  • Best work in the division: “Knowledge-intensive green entrepreneurship and blended value creation: the influences of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in a developing country” (ITE10799) 

 Authors: Gisela Consolmagno Pelegrini, Gustavo Hermínio Salati Marcondes de Moraes (PPGAdm/Unicamp) 

  • Best work resulting from an academic doctoral dissertation: “Knowledge-intensive green entrepreneurship and blended value creation: the influences of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in a developing country” (ITE 10799) 

 Authors: Gisela Consolmagno Pelegrini, Gustavo Hermínio Salati Marcondes de Moraes (PPGAdm/Unicamp) 

  • Best reviewer: Luis Eduardo Brandão Paiva 
  • Best article in an international journal: “Unveiling the cooperation dynamics in the photovoltaic technologies’ development” 

Authors: Alex Fabianne de Paulo (UFG), Geciane Silveira Porto (USP) 

  • Best article in a national journal: “Junior enterprise and entrepreneurial behavior in Brazil” 

 Authors: Gustavo Hermínio Salati Marcondes de Moraes (Unicamp), Edson Sadao Iizuka (FEI University Center), Anne Kathleen Lopes da Rocha (Unicamp), Amanda Mecchi Diaféria (FEI University Center) 

 See the complete list of SITE 2024 Award Winners and Honorable Mentions here. 

X ANPAD Marketing Conference – EMA 2024 

Carlos Brito, a leading figure in innovation and entrepreneurship, was the highlight of the X ANPAD Marketing Conferecen. As the president of the Portuguese Management Association and the Port Wine Observatory, Brito inspired participants with his experiences and innovative insights. 

 The EMA 2024 award winners: 

  • Raimar Richers Award for the best work in the division: “Paving the way for improved healthcare: unraveling patient satisfaction through online physician reviews” (MKT10928) 

 Authors: Matheus Grage Tardin, Luiza Dazzi Braga (FGV/EAESP) 

  • Best work resulting from an academic doctoral dissertation: “Militant consumers: how entrepreneurial passion influences technology adoption” (MKT10686) 

Authors: Andre Luis Araujo da Fonseca, Paula Chimenti (COPPEAD/UFRJ), Roberta Dias Campos (MPCC/ESPM) 

  • Best work resulting from an academic master’s thesis: “The effects of corporate socio-political advocacy on consumer cause-related engagement” (MKT11036 

Authors: Nathalia Soares Brum de Mello, Cristiane Pizzutti dos Santos (PPGA/EA/UFRGS) 

  • Best work resulting from a master’s thesis/professional doctorate dissertation: “Understanding inside sales and outside sales dyadic teams: the impact of specific team characteristics on team performance” (MKT11014) 

Authors: Larissa Cristina Borges da Silva, Carla Ramos, Danny Pimentel Claro (Insper) 

  • Best article in an international journal: “Dynamic and global drivers of salesperson effectiveness” 

Authors: Danny P. Claro, Carla Ramos, Robert W. Palmatier (Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, v. 52, 2024) 

  • Best article in a national journal: “When macroeconomic conditions influence marketing investments” 

Authors: Evelini Lauri Morri Garcia, Valter Afonso Vieira, Guilherme Henrique Maximo Rodrigues (RAE – Revista de Administração de Empresas, v. 63, n. 3, 2023) 

  • Best reviewer: Valter Afonso Vieira  
  • Young researcher: Marcos Inácio Severo de Almeida  
  • Academic trajectory: Salomão Alencar de Farias 
  • Recognition for services provided to the Brazilian Academy of Marketing (Marketing Fellow): Danny Pimentel Claro, Marcelo Gattermann Perin, Eduardo André Teixiera Ayrosa  
  • Distinction in the training of marketing researchers: Angela Maria Cavalcanti da Rocha  
  • Outstanding student in marketing: Patrícia de Oliveira Campos 

See the complete list of EMA 2024 Award Winners and Honorable Mentions here. 

The 2024 Divisional Conferences marked a significant milestone for the academic community, fostering the exchange of knowledge and recognizing excellence in marketing, management, accounting, innovation, technology, and entrepreneurship. These meetings and awards highlight the importance of research and scientific development in Brazil. We look forward to seeing you at the 2025 Divisional Conferences! 

Published by Carolina Aguiar at 07/26/2024 às 15:46