
ANPAD Board of Directors Begins its Term with Strategic Initiatives

April – June 2024 Edition

In the first half of 2024, the new executive board of the Brazilian Academy of Management (ANPAD), led by Prof. Emílio José Montero Arruda Filho, implemented several significant actions to advance the fields of Administration, Accounting, and related areas. Here are the main activities undertaken: 

On April 25, Professor Emílio Arruda participated in a meeting at the Brazilian agency CNPq in Brasilia to advocate for increased research funding in the areas of Administration and Accounting. The meeting was a joint initiative of ANPAD, ANPCont, and the coordinator of the CNPq’s Accounting and Economics Advisory Committee (CA-AE). It counted on the participation of Prof. Ricardo Magnus Osório Galvão, President of CNPq. The discussion focused on granting research productivity grants, highlighting the importance of a fair and proportional allocation of resources in these areas. 

The following day, April 26, still in Brasília, the ANPAD’s president-elect met with representatives of graduate programs members of ANPAD at the University of Brasília (UnB). It was an opportunity to encourage dialogue and exchange of experiences among programs and the organization, addressing issues relevant to the academic and professional development of the community. 

On April 30, Professor Emílio Arruda was in São Paulo, visiting the Higienópolis campus of Mackenzie University. He discussed the Brazilian Academy of Management’s plans for the future, including using the ANPAD Test as a qualifying test rather than a barrier to admission into graduate studies. The meeting included participants from several institutions in São Paulo, such as FECAP, UNINOVE, ESPM, UNIP, PUC-SP, FIA, and FEA-USP, strengthening relationships between ANPAD and local graduate programs. 

On May 17, also in São Paulo, representatives of ANPAD and the National Association of Undergraduate Programs in Administration (ANGRAD) had an important meeting, with the participation of the president of ANGRAD, Professor Edson Sadao Iizuka and ANPAD’s directors Professor Emílio Arruda (President-Elect), Professor Susana Carla Farias Pereira (Scientific Director), and Professor Patricia Guarnieri dos Santos (Director of Communication and Publications). They discussed a strategic partnership with the agency of the State of São Paulo, “Centro Paula Souza,” to integrate graduate programs and technical and undergraduate programs in Administration offered by the state technical education institutions (ETECs) and technological higher education institutions (FATECs). The goal is to promote the professional development of professors and improve the quality of teaching. Support and partnerships for ANPAD products, such as the ANPAD Proficiency Test, the SPELL Electronic Library, and the ANPAData information system were also discussed. These tools are essential for the evaluation and dissemination of knowledge in Administration. The collaboration aims to enhance the contribution of these products to the community, as well as the dissemination of their use. 

On June 17, ANPAD’s president-elect attended the Matchmaking Link Curitiba, an event promoted by the office of the agency Sebrae in the state of Paraná, held at the Ligga Arena. This event was an excellent opportunity for ANPAD to expand its network, promote innovation, and find collaborators who can accelerate the development of solutions in the area of ​​Administration. 

On June 25, there was an online meeting between ANPAD and the National Council of State Research Support Foundations (CONFAP). CONFAP is a non-profit organization that promotes the coordination of the interests of these foundations, which promote scientific, technological, and innovation research in Brazil. Professor Emílio Arruda and Professor Dr. Odir Antônio Dellagostin, president of CONFAP, discussed joint actions between ANPAD and CONFAP. 

Finally, on July 01, Professor Emílio Arruda and coordinators of graduate programs (PPGs) from the South and Southeast regions met to discuss the new evaluation guidelines for the area of Business, Public Administration, Accounting, and Tourism at the Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education (Capes) (called area 27). This meeting was crucial to outline the future of evaluating national scientific production, and the participation of ANPAD was crucial to represent the interests of graduate programs. 

In addition to the direct efforts of Professor Emílio Arruda, the Director of Communication and Publications, Professor Patricia Guarnieri, was also active in searching for partnerships to strengthen the SPELL Electronic Library. Notable activities included a meeting with Andréa Carvalho Vieira, general coordinator of the database Periódicos Capes, to discuss ways of supporting SPELL and meetings with the organizations ANPTUR, ANPCONT, and IBICT to discuss financing and continuity of the library. Additionally, Professor Patricia participated in the meeting promoted by Capes with coordinators of graduate programs from the North, Northeast, and Central-West regions related to area 27 (Business, Public Administration, Accounting, and Tourism). At this meeting, the new evaluation guidelines for the area were discussed, where ANPAD will play an essential role through SPELL in the evaluation of national scientific production. The electronic library greatly supports academic research and contributes to the professional development of master’s students, doctoral students, and graduates in administration and related areas. By providing free access to scientific articles, SPELL is an indispensable resource for the advancement of science and administrative practice in Brazil. 

These initiatives of the first semester of 2024 highlight ANPAD’s new executive board’s commitment to enhancing integration, visibility, and resource allocation in the field of Administration and Accounting in Brazil. The initiatives demonstrate a continued focus on strengthening graduate programs, promoting innovation, and effectively addressing research challenges in Administration. 

Published by Carolina Aguiar at 07/26/2024 às 15:50