
Editors-in-Chief of BAR and RAC promote the journals at international scientific events

April – June 2023 Edition | Volume 3, Issue 2

At the end of April and beginning of May 2023, the ANPAD journals BAR – Brazilian Administration Review and RAC – Revista de Administração Contemporânea were represented in two important scientific events. 

On April 28, editor-in-chief of RAC, Professor Marcelo de Souza Bispo (PPGA/UFPB), participated in the VIII International Colloquium on Epistemology and Sociology of Administration. He joined other editors of scientific journals in the field of administration for a round table discussion on reflexivity and space for criticism in Brazilian academic publications. 

On May 01, editor-in-chief of BAR, Professor Ivan Lapuente Garrido (PPGA/Unisinos), partook in a panel with editors at the IAMOT 2023 Conference promoted by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) in collaboration with the International Association for Management of Technology. 

The VIII International Colloquium on Epistemology and Sociology of Administration occurred from April 27 to 29, 2023, with the theme “What administration do we want and practice? Challenges and possibilities of facing the crossroads of our time.” The event focused on the administration’s role as an interdisciplinary and applied social science addressing contemporary challenges. 

The colloquium was promoted by the Center for Social Innovations in the Public Sphere (NISP) of the College of Administration and Economic Science (ESAG), at the Santa Catarina State University (UDESC), in partnership with the Center for Organizations, Rationality, and Development (ORD) of the School of Socioeconomic Sciences (CSE), at the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC). 

On the second day of the event, Professor Marcelo Bispo represented RAC in the round table, “The space for criticism and reflexivity in administration journals.” Professor Bispo and the editors of the journals Ciências em Debate, Farol, and RGO – Revista Gestão Organizacional, discussed the theme with mediation by Professor Raphael Schlickmann (PPGAU/UFSC – ORD/UFSC – INPEAU/UFSC). 

Check out Professor Marcelo Bispo testimony about the event: 

“The Colloquium is a space for reflection on the philosophical bases of administration. The debate with editors in the round table was an opportunity to disclose how RAC opens space for texts that involve reflexivity and criticism based on the major contemporary societal problems that administration can and must face.” 

After ten years, the IAMOT Conference returned to Brazil and was held in Porto Alegre – RS. The event’s theme, “Brave smart world: Capabilities and ecosystems for innovation,” encompassed the most recent trends and contributions of research in science, technology, and innovation, emphasizing the smart world that fosters the interaction between knowledge and technology. 

The editor-in-chief of BAR, Professor Ivan Garrido participated in the Editors Panel, chaired by Breno Nunes (Aston University, representing the journal Engineering Management Review) and Gita Surie (Adeplphi University). Professor Garrido shared the panel with professors Steve Walsh (Technological Forecasting and Social Changing), Nicholas Vonortas (Science and Public Policy), Marly Carvalho (Technovation and Project Management Journal), Leonardo Gomes (Innovation & Management Review), and Ricardo Jordão (The Bottom Line). 

Check out Professor Ivan Garrido’s testimony about the event: 

“I think it was a unique opportunity, connected with our objective of expanding BAR’s internationalization. I could share our work and results with an audience of international researchers. We addressed our editorial scope, history, and the steps a manuscript follows until publication in BAR. Another important aspect was the possibility of learning about other international journals – which certainly helps to improve our work further.” 

We are grateful for the dedication of professors Bispo and Garrido to enhancing the quality of RAC and BAR and for promoting ANPAD’s journals in these two important events. We thank the organizers of the VIII International Colloquium on Epistemology and Sociology and the IAMOT 2023 Conference for the invitation and the opportunity given to our editors-in-chief. Finally, we reinforce our gratitude to our readers, our biggest driving force! 

Published by Thalita Cunha at 06/26/2023 às 17:04