
Inclusive ANPAD

April – June 2021 Edition | Volume 1, Issue 2

Expanding minority access to graduate programs in Administration, Accounting and related fieldsIn  pursuing  ANPAD’s  objective  of  promoting  teaching, research  and  knowledge  production  in  Administration, Accounting  and  related  fields  in  Brazil,  the  Association  is  now implementing  policies  of  ethnic-racial  inclusion, which are so necessary in the Brazilian society. We aim to increase the access of blacks, browns, indigenous peoples and quilombola to  graduate  programs  and  research  in Brazil through affirmative action. 

 There will be initially three actions to put these policies into effect. Two of them are already in place:  

  1. Fee exemption for ANPAD-promoted  scientific  events (both divisional events and EnANPAD) This  benefit  is  intended  for  students  from  graduate programs  in Administration,  Accounting  or  related  fields, whether they are ANPAD members or not. It is granted to people:  (i)  with  insufficient  socioeconomic  resources  as  proved  by  their  Federal  Government’s  Single  Registry for Social Programs (CadÚnico), and (ii) from the ethnic-racial groups of blacks, browns, indigenous and quilombolas. 

 We have had little time to publicize these benefits this year.  Even  so,  12  participants  have  already  been  awarded fee exemption in the divisional events held in the first half of 2021. 

 The Inclusive ANPAD  project also  extends,  within  a  certain  limit,  the  registration  fee  exemption  to  students  who  volunteer  to  assist  in  some  operational  activities  of  our events. It also applies a discount to the registration fees paid by retired professionals. 

  1. Preparation program for ethnic-racial inclusion in the ANPAD Proficiency Test The ANPAD Proficiency Test is currently one of the main stage in the application process of more than 200 Master’s and Doctorate programs  in  Administration,  Accounting and  related fields in  Brazil.  To expand  access  to  the  Test, Expanding minority access to graduate programs in Administration, Accounting and related fields ANPAD has established na agreement with two inclusion-oriented   organizations:   1)   EDUCAFRO,   responsible   for  selecting  beneficiary  students  who  are  part  of  groups  demanding  affirmative  policies,  and 2) HOJU  Institute, responsible   for   elaborating   and   providing   the   course.  ANPAD Will subsidize 100 scholarships for this preparatorymcourse, and Project participants will be entitledto ANPAD Proficiency Test registration fee exemption

.3. Expansion    of    ANPAD   Proficiency   Test    Fee    Exemption Policy The ANPAD  Proficiency  Test  has  granted the  benefit  of registration fee exemption for several years now. As of 2014, it began to grant exemption to ALL interested parties from low-income families registered in the Federal Government’s Single Registry for Social Programs (CadÚnico). This benefit will  be  extended  to  ethnic-racial  groups  that  are  part  of Inclusive ANPAD affirmative actions.  

These  initiatives  are   just   the  beginning.   ANPAD   will   continue  to  expand  its  inclusion  policy  by seeking  new partnerships   committed   to  equality   of   race,   ethnicity,  gender, social class, sexuality and disability, among others. 

Published by at 11/21/2022 às 21:00