
A Message from International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management 

April – June 2021 Edition | Volume 1, Issue 2

Dear ANPAD members, dear colleagues,  

I sincerely hope this message finds you well. As you know, ANPAD is a full member of IFSAM. We are very happy that  under the leadership of Alketa Peci, the current president, ANPAD came back to IFSAM just after 8 months it had left the  Federation because of the difficult situation brought up by the covid outbreak.  Muito obrigado, Alketa. 

 Through the news but also through your president, with whom I keep regular correspondence, I have been aware that  the pandemic situation in Brazil and the socioeconomic results have been very difficult. I truly hope it will improve soon. 

  I  want  to  express  my  personal  endorsement  of  ANPAD  board’s  statement  about  the  covid  crisis  and  commend  the  board for its courageous stance. The IFSAM Executive Committee hás made a statement about it too. We hope you find it  appropriate. We are confident that our elected government officials will increasingly rely on science and common sense to  deal with both the covid pandemic and other societal and ecological crises. 

 The Federation currently has 18 members (16 full members and 2 associate members), plus two observer organizations (ANZAM  from  Australia  and  New Zealand,  and  CAMS  from  China).  In  the  last  7 months,  we  have  welcomed  7 new  or  returning members (ACACIA, AIMS, ANPAD, ASAC, ASSG, ATC, and BAM). We are extremely delighted with the interest and  trust of these associations. 

 IFSAM  joins  together  scholarly  associations  of  management  broadly  defined,  as  stated  in  our  statutes.  Thus,  we  have   actively  endeavored  to  increase  membership  across  all  continents  (particularly  Africa  and  America)  aiming  at  a  broad  representation of all different management subfields: operations, marketing, accounting, finance, Information Technology/ Science, Organization Behavior/Theory, Human Resources Management, strategy, governance, ethics, and Corporate Social Responsibility. 

 At IFSAM we are greatly concerned that the consequences of the covid pandemic might put at risk many of our member associations and lead to a shakeout of the scholarly ‘industry’ worldwide, in which only the most well-endowed in terms  of economic resources might be able to survive. IFSAM platform meetings try to cope with this risk. And to embed this  concern  in  our  statutes,  IFSAM  General Assembly  decided  on  May  10  to  update its  statutes  by  adding  in  article  2.2. the  objective of encouraging the ‘maintenance of and synergies among scholarly associations of management’ to ensure their endurance. 

 ANPAD also co-chaired the fourth webinar (with governmental representatives) of our webinar series on management  research  quality  evaluation  which  we  started  in  January,  triggered  by  the  FT  list  survey.  All  five  webinars’  videos  and   Conversation Letters are or will be soon available on our webpage.   

The  fifth  webinar in  our  very  successful  series  on  management  research  quality evaluation  was  held  on  May 20th.  Following  this  webinar  and  on  the  basis  of  the elements  collected  through  the  series, IFSAM General Assembly (GA)   released its first soft policy statement on management research on June 4th, as retrievable from blog/2021/06/04/ifsam-general-assemblys-position-statement-on management-research/. The  three  newly  created  GA  committees will have a mandate to structurally continue our soft policy on research, education and practice.  

 In  addition,  IFSAM has  been  busy  these  first  five  months  of  2021 in  preparing  its 16th  biannual  congress to  be  held  online  in  October  2022.  Further,  the  GA  also  approved  the  proposal  of  the awards’  committee  and  launched  four  new  IFSAM awards to which we hope you will send applications: (  

Governance-wise, almost an entirely new executive team started to work on April 1st: a new President Elect (Isabelle Bouty,  outgoing AIMS president) and other members of the Executive Committee (Treasurer, VP Conferences, and VP Communication), following the new Secretary who took office on January 1st. Further, the General Assembly (GA) recently elected three new  Vice-Presidents  (VPs)  as  members  of the  Executive  Committee:  Andre  Luiz  Maranhão  de  Souza-Leão  (ANPAD’s  Director  for   Education Affairs) as IFSAM VP of Education, Lee Lu (AODN President) as IFSAM VP of Practice, and Silviya Svejenova (former  EGOS chair) as IFSAM VP of Research. They will start their two-year term on June 17. We are very grateful to them for accepting  to serve in these very important capacities for the Federation’s soft policy. They will co-chair the respective committee of the GA. 

 The  Council  (now  relabeled  as General Assembly)  had  its 2021 annual  meeting  on  May  10th.  The 2021  revised  budget,  internal  supervisor’s  report  2019-2020,  statutory  changes  for  the  Federation’s  incorporation,  and  position  statement on   management research (calling for engaged, decent scholarship) were approved, and the President’s report discussed. Right after this annual meeting, the GA also approved the inaugural composition of the GA Advisory Board ( ga-advisory-board/). 

The GA will meet again in mid-October to discuss the 2022 budget, further plans for the 16th congress, as well as the initial  work of the new soft policy committees. 

 I look  forward  to having  further  opportunities  to  update  you  through  ANPAD’s  Newsletter.  Please  follow our  activities  through our website and social media (LinkedIn  and  Twitter). 

 On behalf of the IFSAM GA and Executive Committee, please let me thank ANPAD’s contributions to our Federation once  again.  I  sincerely  hope  we  will  be  able  to  continue  recognizing  the  value  of  pluralism  and  diversity,  generating  synergies   among scholarly associations, and defending a scientific approach to management and its societal contributions.  

Warm regards, Xavier Castañer IFSAM President (April 2021-March 2023) P.S. If you have any questions or want to get in touch with IFSAM, please contact us at: You can find more information on IFSAM on our website: 

Published by at 11/21/2022 às 21:10