CAE Approves the Creation of the National Business Sustainability Seal

Diversity & Sustainability
| 26 Feb 2025

The Economic Affairs Committee (CAE) approved on December 17th, 2024, the creation of the National Business Sustainability Seal, designed for companies that adopt sustainable practices to minimize environmental impacts. Bill 358/2020, authored by Senator Styvenson Valentim (Podemos-RN), received a favorable opinion from the rapporteur, Senator Rodrigo Cunha (Podemos-AL), and will now proceed to the Environment Committee (CMA) for further review. 

To obtain the seal, companies must comply with environmental regulations and meet at least one of the following requirements: 

  • Certified reduction in the generation of solid waste, potable water consumption, or electricity consumption; 
  • Certified reduction in greenhouse gas emissions; 
  • Proper receipt and final disposal of consumer solid waste, with environmental certification; 
  • Complete replacement of disposable plastic packaging and utensils with reusable or biodegradable materials of renewable origin; 
  • Maintenance of native vegetation cover at least 50% above the minimum required by forestry legislation; 
  • Environmental compensation at least 10% above the requirements of the project’s environmental license. 

The certification will be granted by the environmental authority responsible for licensing the activity and will be valid for a specified period, with the possibility of renewal. 

In addition to displaying the seal on products, packaging, and advertising materials, certified companies will gain access to several incentives, such as: 

  • Special credit lines with reduced interest rates and priority access to public and private banks; 
  • Tie-breaking criteria in public bidding processes; 
  • Expedited processing of environmental licensing applications; 
  • Easier access to water resource use permits and urban licensing; 
  • Receipt of reverse logistics credits for the proper disposal of solid waste, as outlined in the National Solid Waste Policy. 

The bill also includes benefits for consumers. Those who return recyclable waste to certified companies may receive a credit equivalent to 1% of the product’s value for future purchases at the same establishment. 

The legislation also establishes penalties for the misuse of the seal, including falsification or improper issuance. Under the Environmental Crimes Law (Law 9.605/1998), violations may result in detention from three months to one year, fines, or both. In cases of unintentional offenses (culpable crimes), penalties range from one to six months of detention or a fine. 

According to Senator Rodrigo Cunha, the seal represents official federal recognition of companies that go beyond legal requirements in adopting environmental initiatives. He also emphasized the importance of standardizing sustainability certifications, given that states and private organizations already have their own certification programs in the sector. 

Source: Senado Notícias