Call for Paper for the V BEL Seminars

| 31 Jan 2025

The Faculty of Economics, Administration, and Accounting (FEA) at the University of São Paulo (USP) invites interested parties to submit papers for the V Behavioral Science Lab Seminars (BEL Seminars). The event, which will take place on May 20th and 21st, 2025, will be held in a hybrid format and aims to promote the exchange of knowledge about human behavior in organizations and the market, exploring its influence on decision-making. 

Papers can address topics such as behavior and decision-making, ethics and behavior, mental health in the workplace, influence on decision-making, behavioral economics, and artificial intelligence and behavior. Submissions are open until February 18th, 2025, and can be made in the form of full papers or extended abstracts. Approved papers will be notified by April 1st, 2025. 

Registration for accepted papers will take place from April 5th to April 28th, 2025, while general registration will be open from March 1st to May 15th, 2025. More information can be found on the event’s official website.