ANPAD Appoints Task Force to Update the Scientific Publication Best Practices Manual

| 15 Jul 2024

On July 5th, during an online meeting, the ANPAD team, consisting of the Director of Communication and Publications Patricia Guarnieri, Project Analyst Kler Godoy, and Governance and Technology Manager Rafael Gatto, met for the first time to discuss the ethical adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in research. During the meeting, the creation of a task force was announced, to be coordinated by Prof. Ricardo Limongi (UFG and Editor-in-Chief of BAR), with the participation of renowned academics in the field. 


The Task Force for Updating the ANPAD Manual aims to review the document “Scientific Publication Best Practices: Manual for authors, reviewers, editors, and editorial board members,” updating the content of version 2.0 and including policies on the use of Artificial Intelligence in scientific publications. The group members are: 

Prof. Ricardo Limongi França Coelho (FACE/UFG), Editor-in-Chief of BAR – Brazilian Administration Review and Member of the Marketing Academic Division (MKT) at ANPAD. 

Prof. Anatália Saraiva Martins Ramos (PPGA/UFRN), Member of the Academic Division of Management & Accounting Education and Research (EDP) at ANPAD. 

Prof. Jorge Brantes Ferreira (IAG/PUC-Rio), Coordinator of the Marketing Academic Division (MKT) (2024-2026) at ANPAD. 

Prof. Luiz Pereira Pinheiro Junior (PPGA/UP), Member of the Academic Division of Management Information Technology (ATI) at ANPAD. 

Prof. Paula Castro Pires de Souza Chimenti (COPPEAD/UFRJ), Editor-in-Chief of RAC – Journal of Contemporary Administration and Member of the Marketing Academic Division (MKT) at ANPAD. 

These professors have accepted the responsibility of composing the task force and are dedicated to updating the manual to include guidelines on the ethical use of AI in scientific publications. The Director of Communication and Publications of ANPAD will coordinate these activities, ensuring that the new practices align with the highest standards of integrity and innovation. 

The creation of this task force underscores ANPAD’s commitment to promoting excellence and ethics in scientific research, responding to new demands and challenges brought by technological evolution.