Last Friday, May 17th, an important meeting took place in São Paulo, SP, between the Brazilian Academy of Management (ANPAD) and the Brazilian Association of Undergraduate Administration Courses (ANGRAD). Present at the meeting were the President of ANGRAD, Prof. Edson Sadao Iizuka, the President-Elect of ANPAD, Prof. Emílio José Montero Arruda Filho, ANPAD’s Scientific Director, Prof. Susana Carla Farias Pereira, and the Director of Communications and Publications, Prof. Patricia Guarnieri dos Santos. The objective was to discuss a strategic partnership with the Centro Paula Souza, which manages the State Technical Schools (ETECs) and the Faculties of Technology (FATECs) in São Paulo. The meeting also addressed support and partnerships for ANPAD’s products, such as the ANPAD Proficiency Test, the Electronic Library – SPELL, and the information system ANPAData. These tools are essential for the evaluation and dissemination of knowledge in Administration, and the collaboration aims to enhance the value generated for the community and its use and reach.
The meeting focused on formalizing a collaboration to integrate the Graduate Programs in Administration (master’s, doctorate, and post-doctorate) with the technical and undergraduate Administration courses offered by ETECs and FATECs. This partnership is seen as a significant step towards bringing higher and technical education in Administration closer together, providing ETECs and FATECs teachers with access to high-quality graduate programs. The expectation is that this integration will facilitate the professional development of teachers and increase the quality of education in technical institutions.
Besides strengthening teacher training, the partnership aims to attract talent to the Graduate Programs in Administration, expanding the social and economic impact of these advanced educational initiatives. During the meeting, joint actions were discussed to support undergraduate Administration teachers, especially those from small and medium-sized educational institutions across Brazil. This collaborative effort intends to benefit both undergraduate and technical high school education in Administration, creating a synergy that strengthens all levels of education involved.
The initiatives outlined during the meeting will be announced soon, marking the beginning of a new phase of cooperation between ANPAD, ANGRAD, and Centro Paula Souza. This collaboration promises to bring significant advancements to Administration education in Brazil, enhancing teacher training and the quality of education offered to students at various educational levels.
From left to right: Prof. Emílio José Montero Arruda Filho, Profª Susana Carla Farias Pereira, Profª Patricia Guarnieri dos Santos e Prof. Edson Sadao Iizuka.