The event, promoted by the renowned PPGP and PPGA of UNINOVE, will take place in the semi-presential format between October 25 and 27, 2023, and will have as its central theme “Artificial Intelligence and Sustainable Development Transforming Businesses”, opening debates and reflections on the future of business in a technological context. Interested parties may submit their papers until August 07, 2023.
Although the event is in a semi-presential format, the papers accepted for presentation and publication in the proceedings will be exclusively presented in a virtual and synchronous format, expanding the reach and visibility of their research. Papers will be accepted in the following modalities: Scientific paper*, Technical report and poster. In addition, the best papers will be nominated for evaluation in fast-track by about 40 partner journals of the event, further enhancing the impact of their findings.
The submission covers a wide range of thematic areas, including:
For more information and details about the symposium, please visit:
*At the time of submission (full text), the author may choose to publish either the full text or only the abstract, in case the paper is approved.